There is a wealth of information on alternative high blood pressure treatment. You have Homeopathy, Reflexology, Acupuncture, etc, etc, but before you even consider these, there is much you can do to make an impact through lifestyle changes you can start practicing now. They include: Reducing Stress, using breathing exercises and techniques, improving blood circulation, correcting your body`s pH balance, hydrotherapy in a hot tub, and much more.
What’s your reaction when you’ve over-slept and late for work? Like many people, you might rush around the house to get ready pronto, grab a quick cup of coffee or tea if you come from this neck of the woods, and breakfast is usually forfeited. When you do happen to eat it`s usually from a fast food outlet.
The phone rings but you ignore it. You rush out the door, spot your neighbour in the garden, and pretend you haven’t seen her, and avoiding all eye contact you jump in your car, turn the ignition and you’re off. You love your neighbour, but no time to waist, you’re late!
On the way to work you get caught up in the usual traffic jam. You can almost feel the blood pressure rising. Everyone seems to be deliberately “cutting you up”, and your mobile keeps ringing, probably the boss phoning to ask why you’re late. You`re so hot and bothered but because of traffic pollution you dare not open the window, instead your opt for the air conditioning.
That scenario is just the beginning of a typical day in the life of a Londoner, it varies slightly in different lands and cultures, but none the less most of us are caught up in the rat race that keeps getting faster and faster.
So what kind of impact does it have on our health? A very big one! Our health suffers because our relationships, eating habits, and recreation are all compromised, not to mention the internal damage to our organs by the repeated rise in blood pressure. So it doesn’t take rocket science to understand that a reversal or change of course can bring about a better health state.
So take time out to think! Eat healthy! Make changes! It’s imperative to make decisions on life’s priorities. Do you want more money, or better health? Do you want the “high life”, the fast car, the junk food, the polluted environment, or better health? Do you want to treat the symptoms, or address the cause? If it`s the latter then the following subjects will be of benefit.
The following subjects may grab your attention as being areas that you would never have considered could make a difference to your health.
- Body pH Balance
- Body pH
- Breathing Rate
- Chocolate and BP Reductions
- Food for High Blood Pressure
- Health Benefits of Drinking Water
- How to Improve Blood Circulation
- Music Therapy
Relieving Stress
Stress, a major contributor, is a problem that most of us are plagued with at a more or less degree, and of which many of us would deny we suffer from at all. It can be that subtle. But like the above scenario, we subject ourselves to it`s damaging affects nearly every day.
Time to slow down! Be conscious of your breathing. Discover practical ways of managing stress on your own. Meditation, breathing and relaxation methods are all good exercises combined that will help you.
Come to think of it, have you ever tried massage? Not only does it relax you and leave you invigorated but has a multitude of therapeutic benefits that act directly and indirectly on different bodily systems. Your cardiovascular system would benefit a great deal as you discover how to improve blood circulation , lower blood pressure, reduced heart and pulse rates.
Besides the healing hands of massage therapists, they offer mobile services so massage therapy can be carried out in the workplace. They endorse all the above to get you back on queue. Come on! Don’t be shy! Give it a try!
Buteyko Breathing Technique
This technique is revolutionary and gaining favor in the alternative health field. It is based on breathing correctly through the nose, not the mouth to reserve and balance carbon dioxide levels in the blood and organs. If the right balance of toxic gas (as it was once termed) is not met, it can trigger a whole range of diseases one would never think of, including high blood pressure.
Dr. Buteyko, a Russian professor, discovered and developed these breathing exercises for respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, but the therapy also serves as a natural treatment for hypertension and treats over 100 other diseases and complaints, as most are linked in some way to each other.
Music Therapy
Music Therapy has been proven to work and is an effective alternative high blood pressure treatment. But what may be noteworthy, is that it might not matter what music you listen too. As long as you like it and pause it a few times.
Exercise Regularly
What`s up??? Did I say a nasty word? Come on! Exercise doesn’t have to be a pain. In fact it is the very opposite. It has so much beneficial effects on our general well being as well as the physical. I often find that if I break the pattern of a regular exercise routine, it is very difficult to maintain stamina when starting back.
Try incorporating it into your program of social activities though and “puff” goes those thoughts of grueling workouts and aching muscles.
Think of social activities that give a lot of pleasure even if it is hard work. I can think of one. Cycling! If you have children or grandchildren, this is a perfect way to have fun together.
Because my lifestyle has become more sedentary, I plan on getting “on my bike” and cycle myself fit. I was shocked to see just how much weight I had gained over the first few months in my new career shift!
Stop Smoking
Before embarking on any alternative high blood pressure treatment, smoking is a habit you will have to give up if you want to benefit at all.
Smoking causes shortness of breath as it damages the lungs, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and coronary artery disease. It encourages dangerous clotting in the blood vessels and hardening of the arteries. Smokers are known to have a higher level of lead and cadmium which cause`s damage to the liver and kidneys. A malfunctioning liver creates the inability to breakdown LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, a serious contributing factor and most possible leads to stroke and other dangerous conditions.
What more can I add that you have not heard before. For those of you who smoke, how desperately do you want to get well? I was a smoker from an early age. Through passive smoking, I developed a dependency for nicotine, although this is not always the case with everyone, it can have a strong influence on the future development of a smoker. I have 6 siblings, and I can say that all started smoking as soon as they became of age to do so. Food for thought for those of us who are parents.
Determination to quit for the sake of your children`s health as well as your own, is a strong motivating force.
One of the secrets of giving up is not to think that you have failed when you have a relapse. This was a revelation to me when a friend gave me the advice. So I just kept on trying. When I weakened, I would go buy a pack, smoke one, feel guilty and then throw the pack into a big tall bin, so I couldn`t retrieve them. I did this several times, it was becoming quite costly, but in the end I succeeded and I have never looked back. I haven`t smoked since 1988.
If your aim is to try natural methods, smoking will only defeat the objective.
Remember too that friends and family can give support, but if they don`t, be determined to try the natural way with a change of lifestyle and nutrition before resorting to drugs.
Add Humor as an alternative High Blood Pressure Treatment
Win back your health in an amusing way! Laugh a lot! Laughter Therapyis another powerful vehicle on your road to recovery.
Did you know that laughter has a very therapeutic effect? You probably have heard that stress is one of the major causes of hypertension, and laughter has been found to decrease stress-related hormones. So, go see a comedy, read a good book, or be around children and animals more often. Whatever it takes to make you laugh a lot. But a word of “warning”! They say that it can be dangerous for those who have heart trouble? What can I say? Read the disclaimer.
Hot Tubs
A hot tub or hydrothermal spa is a fantastic therapy that gets too little recognition for aiding cardiovascular health. But what a lovely natural treatment for hypertension! Did you know that a session in the spa has the same benefits as a ride out on your bike or a brisk walk in the park?
Herbal Support for Alternative High Blood Pressure Treatment
There are herbs that can support any dietary and lifestyle change you choose. Make use of them!
Note: A combination of some of these therapies can bring systolic blood pressure down by 5 mmHg, a kick-start to a healthier lifestyle and an eyeopener that natural therapies really work.