What is the ideal body Ph balance?
Why do I need to know about it anyway? Is it that important?
Will it help lower my blood pressure?
These are just some of the questions you may have had in mind that`s brought you to this site.
The ideal pH balance is 6.75 – 7.5
Most of us never give it a second thought, or are even aware that our amazing bodies can only function properly if it stays within this pH level, and we supply the right organic tools. But many of us use and abuse it, starve or stuff it, feed it the bad foods and deny it the good. Well I`ve got news for you, this has got to have it`s toll somewhere along the line.
A constant acid environment in our body will start to have an impact on our health and so will an over alkaline one. It is vital to health to maintain the correct body pH balance.Did you know 70% of our planet is water and 70% of our body is water too, and like our planet we need that water for life to exist. But did you also know that 100% pure H20 water will not sustain life? It`s empty! Water needs to be alkaline, contain minerals, ions, oxygen, and be able to carry nutrients to and waist away from every cell in the body.Nature in it`s pristine conditions used to provide this, but we all know our environment is far from pristine, and the same goes for our water.
Which is the Purest Water?
Distilled water is the purest form. It`s made of Hydrogen and Oxygen. But distilled water has nothing in it to be of help to our body, or for that matter, to sustain a perfect body pH balance.
What about filtered water? It comes in second, but even if the filter is top grade and removes most impurities, water soluble elements such as pharmaceutical drugs go straight through, and the good guys, the minerals, are filtered out.
Bottled or spring water? Are they any good? Well spring water can only be as good as the springs they come from, and you could class most bottled water as filtered with colloidal minerals added. They take 3rd and 4th place.
Then we have tap water. and that`s really the worse. Although it has been purged of bacteria, it`s then left full of hazardous chlorine and all sorts of impurities. It comes in last.
So the purest of waters is distilled water. But because it`s too pure, it can`t do much on a long term basis to really benefit us.
Can the minerals perhaps be added? Yes they can!
Alkaline and Negative Ions
Adding the alkaline minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and salt to distilled drinking water will alkalise it, helping us regain a body pH balance of 7.0 +, and help neutralise acid ash, a natural by-product of the metabolic processes that go on in the body constantly. These minerals are also very important for getting water in and out of the cells (osmosis). But something else is needed, that will bring even better results.
If the alkalised water is ionic water, that means water with an abundance of negative ions, it behaves like a conductor for the body`s electrical current or energy, causing it to flow from cell to cell more easily and boosting your well-being.
However, it`s not sufficient enough to simply take the positive ions out leaving just the negative ones as most water ionizers do. More negative ions are needed and plenty of them for the water to retain its pH.
Healthier Blood Means Less Disease
Healthy blood cells supply the body with plenty oxygen, nutrients, and energy, but if the blood cells are impaired in some way the results are a sluggish system, poor health, and a whole range of diseases.
What bearing then does alkalised and ionized water have on blood? It raises the pH and reduces the acid, maintaining the negative charge on the outside of blood cells. It`s this negative charge that keeps the cells separate from each other, rather than sticking together, enabling them to carry enough oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. If the blood cells loose their outer negative charge, they stick together in chains called Rouleaux formations. The cells are then impaired from carrying their full capacity.
Take note: Acidic blood and/or blood lacking oxygen can cause severe health problems such as high blood pressure, inflammation of the arteries, atherosclerosis, heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.