The benefits of juicing to lower blood pressure are great. Knowing how to juice the most efficient, time saving way will help you to develop and stick to a healthy, lifetime habit, so choose your juicer carefully. One that can accommodate whole fruits that do not need coring or dicing is ideal, saving time and mess.

I have heard people complain that juicing produces too much waste, that you need to buy crates of fruit and veg to extract just a few glasses of juice, when in fact the opposite is true.

glass of celery and beetroot juice

Those who know how to juice economically understand it`s the best way to get the nutrients the body needs, especially if you are not used to eating so much fruit and vegetables. The pulp can then be used to make tasty puddings, stews, or soups in a following meal.

Juicer with a variety of vegetables, fruit and text

I have made very interesting and gorgeous soups from the pulp, adding different herbs and spices and eating it along with walnut and other types of bread.

My husband, who hates beetroot, enjoyed a pasta dish with the sauce made from vegetable pulp that contained beetroot. I thought the color would have given it away but he was unsuspecting. Of course, I revealed it to him later and he was very surprised.

Really, there are so many creatively tasty ways to use your pulp. Just take a look at some “how to do” YouTube videos.

To lessen the pulp, push firmer pieces after leaves and softer fruit and veg. But never try and juice bananas and very ripe fruit. You can add them later in a blender.

If you live nearby a fruit and veg market, you can buy some very cheap produce on a daily basis, as marketers are eager to sell it off. This will help keep the cost down and save stockpiling for a whole week.

When you are finished juicing, just rinse out the parts of your blender, leave to dry, and assemble ready for the next day rather than storing it away. When you do this you are more likely to carry on juicing day after day making it a regular routine.

How to Juice a Blend of Acai and Other Berries

To date, acai berries are the highest fruit source of antioxidants known to man. Most people who are up on nutrition know the benefits of blue berries and grapes, well acai berries have 10 times more antioxidants than grapes, and twice the amount than blueberries. (See other berries to juice for health of the cardiovascular system)

It was also discovered that this fruit reduced cholesterol levels in rats. More tests are being carried out to see if it will have the same results in humans.

You can`t juice them as most of the acai berry is made up of the pip with very little flesh. So buying a good grade pulp or juice will serve better, and you can mix it in a blender with other juices you have extracted using your juicer.

Acai juice has a distinct flavor to it, like a hint of chocolate. Try blending with pomegranate, blueberry, raspberry, grape, or carrot juices.


Juicing Carrots

In the past you would learn how to juice carrots by grating and then squeezing out the juice. The first machine, the Norwalk Juicer, was not invented until the 1930s which was spurred on by the growing field of knowledge on nutrition. It did the laborious grating and squeezing for you. Eventually the extracting juicer was developed. The liberating juicer and carrots went well together. It`s now a breeze!

Carrot juice is a rich source of potassium, and is a versatile ingredient that gives many juice recipes a refreshing flavor and boost, which goes well with acai.

The skin can often taste bitter, so if you want more sweetness, peel the carrots.

Carrot also blends well with orange, apple, cucumber, and beetroot.

How to Juice Grapes

Red grape juice is sweet, light and blends well with a wide variety of fruit juices.

Because of its great vascular health properties it`s a fruit to keep in the forefront. As a substitute to wine, red grape juice also contains a natural compound called resveratrol which is found in the skin of purple and red grapes. Purple grapes like Concord will be more beneficial containing high amounts of the compound.

High also in antioxidants, it can aid in cardiovascular health, and it may help open the arteries to allow blood to flow more easily.

You will need at least 1lb of grapes to make a cup of juice, 1/2 lb if you are going to blend it with other fruit or vegetable juice.

Wash and remove all the stems and bruised grapes. Because they have soft flesh, blending with a sturdier fruit is recommended. For a mouth-watering juice blend, add a small apple and a handful of strawberries.

See how to juice beetroot, celery, and tomato combinations. And for a treat try some new juice recipes.