The Best Insulin Resistance Diet!
Starting on an insulin resistance diet may benefit you in more ways than one. High blood pressure can develop as a direct result of insulin resistance, so if you have diabetes or borderline diabetes and high blood pressure, more than likely the two are related.
First, before I mention anything about which foods you need to avoid and which to add to your shopping list, I want to just state that I sympathize with anyone who has to suddenly and drastically change a life long pattern of eating habits, to a daunting task of planning suitable meals that seem to eliminate every food on the planet.
That is no easy task and can make anyone feel like giving up before they even get started. Therefore having a simplified cook book on diet for insulin resistance makes good sense. It takes the confusion and difficulty out of choosing the right ingredients to make a meal, with ready planned recipes listing which ingredients to buy, and how to cook them. Piece of cake! Oops! Sorry! It is the best way to start anyway and it will definitely help the cook to create her/his own recipes eventually.
What Make up The Meals of an Insulin Resistance Diet?
Foods that are mainly made up of simple sugars (basic carbohydrates) are greatly reduced in this diet, (which is also a metabolic syndrome diet), because basically they enter the blood stream too easily with very little or no digestion. To find out how fast each food releases simple sugars into the blood stream, one would consult the Glycemic Index (GI). This is a system that lists foods and how high their GI is. The diet would consist of foods with mainly low (under 55) GI numbers. A consumption of simple sugars cause peaks in blood sugar levels, triggering the immediate release of insulin.
Now think about this! If you eat this type of food excessively, then excessive insulin hormones will continue to flood your system. Do you know how harmful that is? Your cells become insensitive to insulin. They become insulin resistant.
Which foods are simple sugar foods?
An easy way to remember the major ones are that they end in the letters “-ose”. Sucrose, the common white sugar; fructose sugar in fruits; maltose, a grain sugar; and glucose, the sugar in bread, flour, pasta etc. Processed foods also contain simple sugars in their refined carbohydrates, and root vegetables such as potatoes, yams, and other starchy vegetables.
But not everyone is the same. Some people just need to reduce their consumption of simple sugars and grains and their health improves including their blood pressure, while they start to loose weight within a matter of days. Yet others need to do more.
The “Good” Carbohydrates Verses the “Bad”
We all need carbohydrates to keep our bodies functioning properly. High fiber vegetables that grow above ground, which contain necessary complex carbohydrates should be included in nearly all meals of a insulin resistance diet. They are not only the right carbohydrates for our bodies but they slow down the release of simple sugars in the basic carbohydrates.
Now we get onto the question of what food makes us fat? Some people think fat makes us fat but it`s eating too much basic carbohydrates. How does that happen?
Your body has a limit on its store of those carbohydrates, but it finds an easier way of storing them by processing it into fat by the use of insulin hormones. So the more basic carbohydrates we eat, the more fat we store.
But listen to this! A rise in insulin causes other fat related hormones to be affected. They are the growth hormone and the glucagon hormone. These two are connected with burning sugars and fat, and building muscle. So if you are frequenting the gym to burn the fat off and exchange it into muscle while still indulging in sugary, starchy foods, it`s gonna be pretty hard going!
I hope you are convinced into taking the necessary steps to change the way you eat. Cut the sugar and the carbs, and get yourself on an insulin resistance diet.
Diet for Insulin Resistance
The book starts off by giving an example of a woman, who like many other`s who have tried umpteen diets, goes to the Wellness Workshop with hopes but coupled with a sense that she would fail this one too. Before long she was understanding for the first time what was really going on in her body and why cutting down on fat alone doesn`t work. Her story has a happy ending with no more blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol medications to take.
Low GI Cook Book
The Low GI Diet Cookbook has 100 easy cook recipes to start you off on a good footing. As I said above, using a cookbook makes sense. It takes the drudgery out of finding low GI foods that match and working out how to bring them together into an edible meal.
The advice it gives is not to cut out bread, cereal and other foods but to eat low GI breads, pastas and cereals. The illustrations look absolutely delicious.
Low GI Vegetarian Diet
The Low GI Vegetarian Cookbook fills the need for our vegetarian visitors. Your diet is one of health when you eat these recipes. Like the book says, it gives you all the nutrients your body needs for long term health and well being.
This book shows you how to find the fats, proteins, and carbohydrates your body needs and how to create new and tasty dishes to make the mouth water.