Juicing for Health
Is Berry Berry Good for You!

When juicing for health, especially for the circulatory system and weight loss, “think berry juice”!

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, sea buckthorn berries, cranberries, and blueberries are all packed with nutrients that target the heart, arteries, and metabolism, producing the results you are looking for.

close-up of a blackberry and strawberrystrawberry and melon jiuce

Let`s start with the benefits of strawberries

They are a fantastic weight loss fruit. Being high in fiber, blending rather than juicing them to keep the seeds, and adding other fruit juice will help suppress your appetite and regulate blood sugar, as they have the lowest glycemic load of all fruits. A cup full contains the needed vitamin c for the day.

Their anti-inflammatory properties aid the health of the heart, and the high potassium, calcium, vitamin c, vitamin a, phosphorus, and sodium content all help keep blood pressure under control.

As more people are taking up juicing as a regular part of their diet to gain better health, information on the subject is becoming more and more available. Healthy Juicing is a site where you can learn the right way to go about it.

Juicing For Fat Loss With Raspberries

Try blending your strawberry juice with raspberries. They contain manganese, a mineral that is said to speed up your metabolism helping to burn the fat quicker. Magnesium content is high, so perfectly balancing the sodium and potassium they contain.

Like strawberries, they are high in fiber that slows down digestion, helping to suppress the appetite a little longer, great for anyone who is weight conscious and juicing for health.

I must add also that anything that can help ward off atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is welcome. Raspberries, strawberries and other berries contain the compound salicylic acid which may help reduce inflammation in the arteries that cause atherosclerosis. It is similar to aspirin (salicylic acid acetate) but doesn`t thin the blood.

Blackberry Benefits

The benefits of juicing Blackberries (bramble berries) are equally good like the fruits above, and what`s more, they are free! They grow wild in parks and woods at the end of the summer months leading into Autumn, waiting to be picked. But caution is required if you are aspirin sensitive because this berry contains salicylate the same as raspberries.

Also it`s better to blend them with other fruits such as apples rather than using large quantities for a pure blackberry juice, because they are high in tannin, a compound that can cause constipation if too much is consumed, but is good for lowering blood pressure.

Because blackberries are high in fiber, one cup can give you 30% of the RDA you need.

So think berry when juicing for health – cardiovascular health.

Juicing for health is just another of the alternative ways to lower your blood pressure.