The Body Ph Balance and Hypertension
What is the ideal body Ph balance?
Why do I need to know about it anyway? Is it that important?
Will it help lower my blood pressure?
These are just some of the questions you may have had in mind that`s brought you to this site.
The ideal pH balance is 6.75 – 7.5
Most of us never give it a second thought, or are even aware that our amazing bodies can only function properly if it stays within this pH level, and we supply the right organic tools. But many of us use and abuse it, starve or stuff it, feed it the bad foods and deny it the good. Well I`ve got news for you, this has got to have it`s toll somewhere along the line.
A constant acid environment in our body will start to have an impact on our health and so will an over alkaline one. It is vital to health to maintain the correct body pH balance.Did you know 70% of our planet is water and 70% of our body is water too, and like our planet we need that water for life to …