We asked the question in Part 1 of this subject, calcium deficiency and its symptoms, “Does supplementing calcium in people aged 50+ with osteoporosis cause an increased heart attack by 30% as researchers discovered?” Or could there be another hidden cause?

Understanding Calcium Deficiency – Use some common sense!

To begin with, this subject calls for some good old fashioned common sense! How much milk do you drink in a day? How much Cheese or yogurt do you eat in a week? How much broccoli, baked beans, chick peas, salmon, sardines, pasta, rice, bread, cheesecakes, and ice cream do you eat in a month???

The list goes on and on, and I`m presuming you eat some of these as staple foods, frequently. They all have a high calcium content, so do we need to supplement? Are the supplements better absorbed than these foods? Hardly!

Research has enlightened us that osteoporosis, bone fractures, high blood pressure, and heart disease have increased rather than decreased even although we have followed these international health guidelines to combat calcium deficiency. So something is amiss. It`s high time we took a look at some facts …

Sugar and High Blood Pressure Awareness

I have a very sweet tooth which I too readily appease by regular indulgence of chocolates and the like. As you can imagine, I am always battling to keep my weight down so it’s a problem I am currently working on.

This page will highlight the dangers and heighten the awareness of eating too much of it, helping me and you also to curb our intake. You can always try the herbal treatment of high blood pressure.

Trends Supporting the Link

Did you know for instance that in the United States the average American has increased their consumption of sugar from 26 lbs to more than 142 lbs a year in the last 3 decades? That’s amazing and an eye-opener to just how much of a problem it really is. No doubt an content increase in the foods we consider healthy would contribute to this trend.

The Daily Mail reported that foods with a traditionally healthy appeal now contain twice as much sugar as 30 years ago.

Preceding 1887 cardiovascular disease was almost unheard of, and as a point of interest, only 5lbs …

Do you take Ibuprofen often for pain relief? Have you read what the side effects of Ibuprofen are? Would it surprise you to know that long term use can cause high blood pressure, blood clots, fluid retention (edema), heart attacks, heart failure, over-working of the liver, and kidney damage?

Quite alarming, I should say! I think you will agree with me that most drugs carry a side effects tag, but when it comes to pain killers, we need to be extra careful. Most people associate them with feeling well and so they pass as being safe. I particularly try not to take pain killers, but there are times when you cross the pain barrier and just have to take one, or two.

For any of you who suffer chronic pain daily, such as shoulder, back or joint pain, ibuprofen may be your choice of pain killer because of it`s power to dull serious pain quickly, but it`s a drug to be used with extra caution.

The side effects of ibuprofen that I particularly want you to be concerned about, are high blood pressure caused by poor liver function, fluid retention, …

The level of potassium in foods listed here, classifies them under the “very good” category.

They are listed as numbers 31 to 35 in my list of foods rich in potassium.

  • 31 Asparagus
  • 32 Carrot
  • 33 Plum
  • 34 Radish
  • 35 Turnip

I am glad to say that all of these foods are relatively common, and can be found in your local markets and stores, and this is the season for radishes, carrots and asparagus.

Take note of each foods value to calculate your potassium RDA.

31. Asparagus – a. racemosus, a. lucidus, a. officinalis – 100g raw = 260 mg of potassium

Did you know that the Brits have the best asparagus in the world? I have a “wisp” of it in my garden which only serves as an ornament. It is the asparagus racemosus species I think because it’s blooming now in this month of August.

(See my snap to the left)

It can be quite pricey, but that’s understandable as it has to be hand picked.

The Benefits of eating Asparagus

The level of potassium in foods needs to be significant enough to be of benefit to those …

What is the ideal body Ph balance?

Why do I need to know about it anyway? Is it that important?

Will it help lower my blood pressure?

These are just some of the questions you may have had in mind that`s brought you to this site.

The ideal pH balance is 6.75 – 7.5

Most of us never give it a second thought, or are even aware that our amazing bodies can only function properly if it stays within this pH level, and we supply the right organic tools. But many of us use and abuse it, starve or stuff it, feed it the bad foods and deny it the good. Well I`ve got news for you, this has got to have it`s toll somewhere along the line.

A constant acid environment in our body will start to have an impact on our health and so will an over alkaline one. It is vital to health to maintain the correct body pH balance.Did you know 70% of our planet is water and 70% of our body is water too, and like our planet we need that water for life to …

Have you ever had a colon flush? There are several benefits of a colon cleanse if you have high blood pressure and want to treat it by natural methods.

Presuming that you would also want to clean the colon naturally too, I will discuss briefly the benefits of a colon cleanse and what herbs you can use in combination to do that.

To begin with, our intestines which include the colon is where we absorb the minerals and other nutrients from our food. As food passes through and is processed, some of it may get trapped in pockets of the colon. At this stage the moisture has been removed turning it into a sticky mucous.

Waist processing, transfer of nutrients, metabolic functions, etc, all can be enhanced when the colon is cleansed.

One of the most important benefits of a colon cleanse is that it prepares the body for other organ cleanses such as a liver detox. If you perform this detox before a colon cleanse, you risk major toxins entering right back into the bloodstream because of colon blockages.

Regaining a correct body pH is important to cleansing major …

Why is passion flower tea one of the most respected herbal remedies for high blood pressure? Well consider some of the ailments the passion flower herb is used for.

  1. Hypertension and Heart Disease
  2. Stress and Anxiety
  3. Nicotine and Alcohol Withdrawal
  4. Insomnia

Now some of these illnesses are typical causes of secondary hypertension. If any are directly or indirectly linked to your elevated blood pressure, addressing those illnesses too should be of prime interest to you.

But can passion flower tea really have any impact on these ailments? Yes it can! I will discuss them in brief and then show you how you can make an infusion.

Hypertension and Heart Disease

Scientists have found that the harmane alkaloids found in passion flower can help lower blood pressure by relaxing smooth muscle and expanding coronary arteries.

But extensive investigations on this herb were being carried out in the 1980`s and the leaves were clinically validated as being hypotensive, among other benefits such as possessing anti-spasmodic properties, and relieving anxiety.

It is also known that here in Europe extracts from the flower are used in several pharmaceuticals for the treatment of heart palpitations …

Folk will talk about Sodium, potassium, but rarely about magnesium and high blood pressure when discussing what nutritional measures they can take.

Believe it or not, contrary to popular belief, the magnesium RDA for men is 450gms, and 320 for women.

How often have you heard the famous quote from Dr. Linus Pauling twice a winner of the Nobel Prize, who said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”? You may have heard it many times, but have you actually acted on this timely information?

Protect yourself by taking charge of your life. Synthetic substances are not likely to be invented and added to the soils earth wide that will provide us the full range of minerals and trace minerals that we all need.

If we are distracted too much by all the “noise” out there on the net, we may be caught by surprise by the “silent killer” in a difference sense of the word. So stop for a moment and listen to what is being said about magnesium and high blood pressure and use the information.

The Ignored Nutrient Magnesium and

If your doctor has told you that you have resistant hypertension, don`t go pressing the panic button, or become offended. First, you should have asked what that meant. By rights, that information should have been relayed to you so that you didn`t panic.

Many people have not even asked their doctor the question, “What is high blood pressure?” either. Asking questions will help you better understand your body and how best to help it heal.To understand what could be causing the problem, you need to know what the term means.

The Meaning

Your doctor will have prescribed you 1 to 3 medications at some point that included diuretics. If the treatment of a single drug did not lower blood pressure, then the additional drugs would be prescribed in combination to see if they would work. This is the normal procedure.

If your blood pressure is still high after monitoring the effect of the treatment over a period of time, your doctor will then diagnose you with resistant hypertension.


Apparently this method could be causing a rise in the blood pressure of many patients.

When Should it be Diagnosed?

There …

The Red Reishi Mushroom. Have you considered using this potent herb to treat hypertension? It has been shown to significantly, lower blood pressure in patients who did not respond to anti-hypertension drugs, help lessen arrhythmia, lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and reduce the stickiness of platelets, thought to be due to the ganoderic acids action in reishi.

On your first glimpse of it, one would imagine it to be poisonous. The red, glazed appearance doesn’t look appealing and nature often displays poisonous plants and animals in bright red, yellow, blue and black colors. But this therapeutic reishi mushroom is far from poisonous. To be correct, it has no known toxicity.

Polysaccharides are said to be the most active ingredient in the red reishi mushroom, helping to reduce blood pressure, but adding to that, the mushroom also contains a natural ACE inhibitor, triterpenes. They work by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzymes. These enzymes are responsible for converting the chemical angiotensin 1 into angiotensin 11 which causes the surrounding muscles of the blood vessel to contract pushing the blood pressure up. So the action of this natural inhibitor results in the blood vessels …