Antioxidants –What are they?

Despite the fact that they were discovered in 1948, the general public still don’t understand what they are, that our bodies manufacture them, and the important role they play in protecting us from literally rusting away.

As the name suggests antioxidants combat oxidization of cells in the body which are said to cause a barrage of diseases including high blood pressure.

Try an experiment.

Take the juice of a lemon which contains vitamin C and coat one half of a freshly cut apple with it but not the other half. You will notice the uncoated half will start to turn brown very quickly. This reaction is called oxidization.

The other half coated with lemon juice, however, takes much longer to turn brown because the vitamin C, an excellent antioxidant, slows this erosive process right down.

The same erosive process is going on within the cells of our bodies continuously, and although it is an essential process, our bodies try to keep it in check by its own manufactured “endogenous” antioxidants, otherwise we would get very sick or just “rust” away.

Nutritionists and health practitioners recognise …