This page is part of a list of foods with high potassium levels.

The potassium RDA is 4,400mg.

Added to that list are:

  • Cucumbers
  • Spinach
  • Figs
  • Dates
  • Avocados.

These five additions are lower in K mineral than the previous foods but are still high enough to help those who are taking potassium wasting medication for high blood pressure.

The body uses potassium as it is assimilated. It does not store it, so it is necessary to make sure you are getting sufficient amounts in your diet.

These foods are numbered from 16 – 20 on the main list for your convenience.

16. Cucumber

(Cucumis sativus) –

1 cup (184gms) = 420mg of potassium

Stay “cool as a cucumber” and keep your blood pressure low!

Nearly everybody enjoys salads that accompany meat or fish dishes in the summer months, so adding cucumber, one of the foods with high potassium levels, will help to feed your body`s constant need for potassium.Remember too that when it is hot we sweat more and so loose more minerals from our bodies. Cucumbers are a cool way to put the potassium back and they also contain …