Highbloodpressureinfo.org is here to help choosing food for herbal treatment of high blood pressure so it wont be a daunting task or a boring one. Tips and recipes from around the world are soon to collect here, so we will have a whole menagerie of cultures to choose from. Heh! Let’s face it! Can you find a better excuse for enjoying the culinary delights of the whole world? Well, ok, there are lots, but at least just drooling over the recipes will make your blood pressure drop a few mmHg. And that’s exactly what I have in store for you in this little corner of delightful indulgences.

Here you are going to find a high blood pressure recipe to suit almost everyone, and if the dishes don`t stop you worrying over your high blood pressure for a while, then nothing will.

Starting with a list, preferably organic, of the main food categories that are known to help reduce high blood pressure, will help those of us who are born Chefs in the kitchen to create new, tasty dishes.


Parsley, Celery, Spinach, Green Cabbage, Broccoli, Carrots (raw), Beets(raw), Tomatoes, Garlic, …

Sugar and High Blood Pressure Awareness

I have a very sweet tooth which I too readily appease by regular indulgence of chocolates and the like. As you can imagine, I am always battling to keep my weight down so it’s a problem I am currently working on.

This page will highlight the dangers and heighten the awareness of eating too much of it, helping me and you also to curb our intake. You can always try the herbal treatment of high blood pressure.

Trends Supporting the Link

Did you know for instance that in the United States the average American has increased their consumption of sugar from 26 lbs to more than 142 lbs a year in the last 3 decades? That’s amazing and an eye-opener to just how much of a problem it really is. No doubt an content increase in the foods we consider healthy would contribute to this trend.

The Daily Mail reported that foods with a traditionally healthy appeal now contain twice as much sugar as 30 years ago.

Preceding 1887 cardiovascular disease was almost unheard of, and as a point of interest, only 5lbs …

What is the ideal body Ph balance?

Why do I need to know about it anyway? Is it that important?

Will it help lower my blood pressure?

These are just some of the questions you may have had in mind that`s brought you to this site.

The ideal pH balance is 6.75 – 7.5

Most of us never give it a second thought, or are even aware that our amazing bodies can only function properly if it stays within this pH level, and we supply the right organic tools. But many of us use and abuse it, starve or stuff it, feed it the bad foods and deny it the good. Well I`ve got news for you, this has got to have it`s toll somewhere along the line.

A constant acid environment in our body will start to have an impact on our health and so will an over alkaline one. It is vital to health to maintain the correct body pH balance.Did you know 70% of our planet is water and 70% of our body is water too, and like our planet we need that water for life to …

When I was just a two year old nipper, hanging onto my mothers apron strings, olive leaf extract was being studied for its ability to lower high blood pressure in mild hypertensives. So it comes as a shock to me that they are announcing it as if it was never known before as being one of the herbal remedies for high blood pressure.

Olive leaf extract is a known vaso-dilator, meaning, it can open up the arteries and allow more blood to pass through.

The Mediterranean diet includes olive oil in many of the recipes because of its healthy status for helping to reduce weight and blood pressure, so, many of us are quite familiar with the health benefits of the olive fruit. The leaf however, bathed in stardom way back during the flood in Noah`s day.

Maintaining its respect throughout the centuries, now it`s centre stage and in the spotlight again with its super ingredient Oleuropein.

A healthy heart is important for a healthy circulatory system and Oleuropein was noted in 1962 by an Italian and other European researchers as being able to lower the blood pressure of animals …

The benefits of beetroot on high blood pressure are staggering! They reached top of the list in the high blood pressure foods. If you drink 500ml of beetroot juice every day, it can significantly reduce your blood pressure, according to UK researchers.

When healthy volunteers drank the juice their blood pressure dropped within the hour.

What was causing this effect? Nitrates. These nitrates are also present in other green, leafy vegetables that you are encouraged to eat in your nutrient rich diets.

Professor Amrita Ahluwalia of the William Harvey Research Institute at Barts and the London School of Medicine was leading the research, along with Professor Ben Benjamin of the Peninsula Medical School.

How does the nitrate reduce high blood pressure?

When the beetroot is chewed, saliva mixes with it along with bacteria from off the tongue. It is then converted into nitrite. Then we have another chemical reaction when it reaches the stomach. Because the stomach has an acidic environment, another chemical reaction occurs, the nitrite in the saliva turns to nitric oxide or will re-enter the circulation again as nitrite.

Observation showed that the peak time of reduced …

The relationship between coenzyme q10 and heart health can be summed up in one sentence – Every muscle in the body, particularly the heart, the muscle that has most demand for coenzyme q10, cannot function without this vitamin, which is vital for life itself.

Though it be an important cofactor in the smooth running of cardiovascular function, it is not stressed enough in the opinion of many conscientious doctors, who have seen a coenzyme q10 deficiency in their patients when treating serious heart conditions.

To explain the importance of coenzyme q10 in the control of high blood pressure and the health of the heart, you need to start by knowing what it is and how it works.

The next step is to understand what happens when it is depleted, what factors can cause this, how statins and coq10 depletion are connected, and lastly, how supplementing has been proven to help restore the energy and efficiency of the heart. I will try and explain coenzyme q10 and heart health as simple as possible using the drawing of the cell below. You can refer to it with each section to get a …

A few factors can cause problems with your blood circulation and high blood pressure seems to be one of them. In turn, poor blood circulation is often a cause of high blood pressure.

I have friends and colleagues who suffer from bad circulation in the legs and it`s not just a plague of our elderly. I know middle aged and young alike who suffer from this problem. It can cause blockages in your veins that can lead to stroke or heart attack, so it`s not something you can take lightly.


Poor circulation and high blood pressure can both lead to horrible symptoms. If you are trying your best to walk a little for exercise, and to help your condition, pain in the calf muscles can cause you much stress and discouragement. The most obvious of symptoms are:

  • Pain in the legs
  • Numbness in limbs
  • Water Retention
  • Coldness in limbs
  • Leg Skin Discoloration
  • Ulcers


Circulation and high blood pressure have several factors linking them. The commonest are:

The underlying Health Problems:

  •  High Blood Pressure
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Anaemia
  • Blood Vessel Disorders
  • Varicose Veins
  • DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Heart Disorders

Do you wonder if there are any high blood pressure symptoms or warning signs? They call this malady “the silent killer” because any indications that one is suffering from it are either non existent or very mild that a sufferer would not think anything of them, nor make a connection that something more serious was brewing.

So in a way there are no obvious physical symptoms to indicate that something sinister was brewing, not at the early stages anyway, but as the problem increase the symptoms will be more noticeable.

Any signs of high blood pressure though, no matter how subtle need to be investigated.

If you are suffering from any persistent physical symptoms of high blood pressure, it would be wise to make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible.m Let him know your concerns and ask for tests to be carried out as well as a blood pressure reading to be taken.

Don’t think you are being a nuisance as some often do. If you notice any changes in your general health, get it checked out. You need to take it seriously. Try asking the doctor …

The Ideal pH Balance (This is part 2 of the 4 Definite Steps for Quick Results E-course. Here is Part 1, Part 3, and Part 4.)

The ideal pH of our body fluids is roughly 7.4, (7.365 to be precise). This is not hard to maintain but requires stick-ability using the pH balance diet, which may help in reducing high blood pressure.

You already started the ball rolling by drinking fruit juice in the morning before breakfast and plenty of water through the day. I want to encourage all to try and continue to make the changes and maintain the ideal pH balance. It is well worth it when you feel and see the results.

Some of you may not want to give up your eating habits. I encourage you to at least try and give it a go before you say you can`t. It`s not hard if you take it step by step. Then if you still decide that this is not for you, why not let a friend know about this e-Course so they may benefit from it.

This course also may not be the solution …