If you enjoy your cup of cappuccino but are unsure of what you’ve read about coffee and high blood pressure, you may be ready to give up the luxury. Don’t fret! I have some info here to cheer you up big time.

We may have heard this beverage has a down side as well as a plus which can affect blood pressure, so what are they and can the negative effects be explained away?

The Negative Effects

  • anxiety
  • loosing sleep
  • elevated blood pressure
  • coronary artery diseaseThe Positive Effects
  • natural diuretic
  • laxative
  • antioxidant
  • cardio protective

Coronary Artery Disease and Elevated Blood Pressure.

Is there a connection between coffee and high blood pressure being elevated, leading to coronary artery disease? Many researchers say that they have found little evidence implicating caffeine to cardiovascular disease. Heart disturbances only occurred with high doses, or in sensitive individuals. They report that when administered acutely, moderate doses of caffeine can increase blood pressure and decrease heart rate. For most people, tolerance develops to these effects within a few days and there is no alteration in cardiovascular effects for habitual caffeine users.

Natural Diuretic and Laxative.