Highbloodpressureinfo.org is here to help choosing food for herbal treatment of high blood pressure so it wont be a daunting task or a boring one. Tips and recipes from around the world are soon to collect here, so we will have a whole menagerie of cultures to choose from. Heh! Let’s face it! Can you find a better excuse for enjoying the culinary delights of the whole world? Well, ok, there are lots, but at least just drooling over the recipes will make your blood pressure drop a few mmHg. And that’s exactly what I have in store for you in this little corner of delightful indulgences.

Here you are going to find a high blood pressure recipe to suit almost everyone, and if the dishes don`t stop you worrying over your high blood pressure for a while, then nothing will.

Starting with a list, preferably organic, of the main food categories that are known to help reduce high blood pressure, will help those of us who are born Chefs in the kitchen to create new, tasty dishes.


Parsley, Celery, Spinach, Green Cabbage, Broccoli, Carrots (raw), Beets(raw), Tomatoes, Garlic, …

It`s able to do this because of being rich in potassium, but this high blood pressure treatment natural foods, celery consumption is due to more than one ingredient that most sufferers of high blood pressure are not aware of.

One such ingredient is called phthalide.

Phthalide (3-n-butylphtalide [3nb] ) is a compound which helps to give celery its unique aroma and taste.

It works by relaxing smooth muscles in the vessel walls causing them to dilate and allow blood to flow more easily.

It was discovered after Quang T. Le, a medical student and William J. Elliot a clinical pharmacologist at the University of Chicago did some research. Their action followed an incident where Quang`s father followed an old Chinese remedy noting the health benefit of celery in reducing high blood pressure.

After being diagnosed with the condition he ate a quarter pound of celery everyday and his blood pressure returned to normal, so being intrigued as to why it worked William and Quang investigated and found the responsible compound Phthalide which reduces the production of stress hormones called catecholamines.

Stress hormones are known to restrict blood vessels inhibiting …

Why is potassium-rich food help in bringing down blood pressure? The body needs this vital mineral in balance with other nutrients to regulate your blood pressure. Sometimes our diet is lacking in it, but usually, this occurs if our diet consists of too much fast food, or we are already taking potassium wasting diuretics which flush out the potassium as the name suggests.

Because our bodies don’t store potassium, we need to make sure the food we eat is potassium-rich food to give an immediate and plentiful supply of it.

So what have I added to my potassium food list?

  • Squash
  • Coriander
  • Red Cabbage
  • White Cabbage
  • Turmeric

41. Squash – 100 gm = 280 mg of potassium

I was flabbergasted at the number of different kinds of squash. Take a deep breath!!!!!! You have Australian blue, amber cup, autumn cup, acorn, baby boo, banana, butternut, buttercup, calabaza, calabash, kabocha, carnival, chayote, cucumber, Cucuzza…gasp! Gasp! Gulp!…

Eight balls, gold nugget, green-striped cushaw, hubbard, luffa gourde, lumina, Summer, sweet dumpling, sunburst, spaghetti, turban, orangetti, pumpkin, Cinderella, sweet potato, cheese, Uchiki Kuri, winter, yellow zucchini, zucchini.


Squash is not only a potassium-rich …

by Jeff
(Akron, OH, USA)

I considered this again in my life. When I was in my 20’s, I maintained a diet full of fruits and veggies, coupled with daily exercise, I was healthy.
Now, nearing 50, and having recently been diagnosed with HBP, and told to go on a diuretic. Never again. My blood pressure came down some, but there are other underlying factors. I quit the meds and took my life in my own hands. My bp is very high. I always believed that this is the way to go, not pills, which mask the problems and create new ones so you can get more pills. Other than vitamins, I hate pills.
I’m currently struggling, but have noticed a difference when adding to my water intake and juicing. Not enough yet as I have yet to rule out the 2 bad, abscessed teeth. One tooth has been addressed, finishing root canal tomorrow, the other tooth, jammed into my sinus’, it’s coming out the next day. With the help of antibiotics, increased water intake and juicing, not to mention monitoring my diet a little closer, and exercise, I’m …

Do you suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure? About 75% of people with diabetes have type 2 and go on to develop high blood pressure, but are often left in the dark about what is actually happening inside their bodies. There are many treatment options for high blood pressure you can try out.

As I have often repeated through the pages of this website, doctors are under pressure today. With more patients on their lists and less time for each one, it`s obvious why they don`t offer any explanations.

So the responsibility lies with us to educate ourselves. But what a difference it makes when we do. Understanding how our bodies work can open our eyes to where the real, underlying problem lies, impress on our minds the seriousness of our condition, the importance of making changes, and empowering us to make them.

A group of metabolic processes malfunction during the development of type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure will begin to surface as a direct, and indirect result of them.

This malfunction of particular metabolic processes is sometimes called Metabolic Syndrome X? What is Metabolic Syndrome

Sugar and High Blood Pressure Awareness

I have a very sweet tooth which I too readily appease by regular indulgence of chocolates and the like. As you can imagine, I am always battling to keep my weight down so it’s a problem I am currently working on.

This page will highlight the dangers and heighten the awareness of eating too much of it, helping me and you also to curb our intake. You can always try the herbal treatment of high blood pressure.

Trends Supporting the Link

Did you know for instance that in the United States the average American has increased their consumption of sugar from 26 lbs to more than 142 lbs a year in the last 3 decades? That’s amazing and an eye-opener to just how much of a problem it really is. No doubt an content increase in the foods we consider healthy would contribute to this trend.

The Daily Mail reported that foods with a traditionally healthy appeal now contain twice as much sugar as 30 years ago.

Preceding 1887 cardiovascular disease was almost unheard of, and as a point of interest, only 5lbs …

Do you take Ibuprofen often for pain relief? Have you read what the side effects of Ibuprofen are? Would it surprise you to know that long term use can cause high blood pressure, blood clots, fluid retention (edema), heart attacks, heart failure, over-working of the liver, and kidney damage?

Quite alarming, I should say! I think you will agree with me that most drugs carry a side effects tag, but when it comes to pain killers, we need to be extra careful. Most people associate them with feeling well and so they pass as being safe. I particularly try not to take pain killers, but there are times when you cross the pain barrier and just have to take one, or two.

For any of you who suffer chronic pain daily, such as shoulder, back or joint pain, ibuprofen may be your choice of pain killer because of it`s power to dull serious pain quickly, but it`s a drug to be used with extra caution.

The side effects of ibuprofen that I particularly want you to be concerned about, are high blood pressure caused by poor liver function, fluid retention, …

High blood pressure and alcohol? Does drinking help or cause more problems? An elderly friend of mine once told me that her doctor said she should taking a glass of red wine every day because it was good for her heart.

That delighted her a great deal resulting in her establishing a routine in no time for taking her daily elixir. On the other hand, however, patients have been told by their doctors not to consume alcohol because it is one of the common high blood pressure causes that will not only elevate it but do all sorts of other underlying damage.Are you confused? Why is such widely contradictory advice given to patients. What are we to believe? Most of us would like to choose the former, but fear the latter. A brief look at some facts should do the trick, dispel any fears, or at least help us to get things into perspective.

Changes in French Cultural Drinking Habits. Why?

Do you like a glass or two? Or perhaps you live in France where the cultural habit of consuming wine at mealtimes has molded your thinking. Well some changes …

Have you ever had a colon flush? There are several benefits of a colon cleanse if you have high blood pressure and want to treat it by natural methods.

Presuming that you would also want to clean the colon naturally too, I will discuss briefly the benefits of a colon cleanse and what herbs you can use in combination to do that.

To begin with, our intestines which include the colon is where we absorb the minerals and other nutrients from our food. As food passes through and is processed, some of it may get trapped in pockets of the colon. At this stage the moisture has been removed turning it into a sticky mucous.

Waist processing, transfer of nutrients, metabolic functions, etc, all can be enhanced when the colon is cleansed.

One of the most important benefits of a colon cleanse is that it prepares the body for other organ cleanses such as a liver detox. If you perform this detox before a colon cleanse, you risk major toxins entering right back into the bloodstream because of colon blockages.

Regaining a correct body pH is important to cleansing major …

Why is passion flower tea one of the most respected herbal remedies for high blood pressure? Well consider some of the ailments the passion flower herb is used for.

  1. Hypertension and Heart Disease
  2. Stress and Anxiety
  3. Nicotine and Alcohol Withdrawal
  4. Insomnia

Now some of these illnesses are typical causes of secondary hypertension. If any are directly or indirectly linked to your elevated blood pressure, addressing those illnesses too should be of prime interest to you.

But can passion flower tea really have any impact on these ailments? Yes it can! I will discuss them in brief and then show you how you can make an infusion.

Hypertension and Heart Disease

Scientists have found that the harmane alkaloids found in passion flower can help lower blood pressure by relaxing smooth muscle and expanding coronary arteries.

But extensive investigations on this herb were being carried out in the 1980`s and the leaves were clinically validated as being hypotensive, among other benefits such as possessing anti-spasmodic properties, and relieving anxiety.

It is also known that here in Europe extracts from the flower are used in several pharmaceuticals for the treatment of heart palpitations …