Sugar and High Blood Pressure Awareness

I have a very sweet tooth which I too readily appease by regular indulgence of chocolates and the like. As you can imagine, I am always battling to keep my weight down so it’s a problem I am currently working on.

This page will highlight the dangers and heighten the awareness of eating too much of it, helping me and you also to curb our intake. You can always try the herbal treatment of high blood pressure.

Trends Supporting the Link

Did you know for instance that in the United States the average American has increased their consumption of sugar from 26 lbs to more than 142 lbs a year in the last 3 decades? That’s amazing and an eye-opener to just how much of a problem it really is. No doubt an content increase in the foods we consider healthy would contribute to this trend.

The Daily Mail reported that foods with a traditionally healthy appeal now contain twice as much sugar as 30 years ago.

Preceding 1887 cardiovascular disease was almost unheard of, and as a point of interest, only 5lbs …