The ideal normal blood pressure for women is the same as for men, which is 120/80. That is the systolic pressure (the top,largest sized number on a digital monitor) reads 120 mmHg, and the diastolic pressure (the bottom smaller sized number) reads 80 mmHg.

But the word “normal” is relevant to natural conditions, such as menopause, the menstrual cycle, or preeclampsia (misspelled preclampsia) in pregnancy.

Age and hypertension are also linked as the body`s blood vessels loose elasticity, and become weaker.

Normal Blood Pressure for Women After Menopause

Studies have identified that post-menopausal women are more likely to have increased blood pressure by as much as 5mmHg relevant to a natural decrease of estrogen and progesterone levels. Whereas pre-menopausal women tend to maintain a lower blood pressure than men, because these hormones help protect them against lifestyle stresses.Menopause and high blood pressure have also been linked to salt sensitivity. (See are other reasons for hypertension in Women not discussed on this page.)

Normal Blood Pressure for Women Can Change During PregnancyThis could be caused by a condition called preeclampsia, which can occur usually in women who are carrying their …