High Blood Pressure
and Exercise
Both compete for the heart!

There are many ways to control high blood pressure and exercise is one of the best because of the overall health benefits that result. So which one are you cheerleader for?

A good way of fitting exercise into a busy schedule is to choose something you can do when traveling to work or when you`re on your lunch or tea break. Walking is an effective way of doing so, and is considered by doctors as one of the best exercises for high blood pressure sufferers.

Have you ever considered Walking or Nordic Walking as an aerobic exercise to help reduce high blood pressure? Read on to see how it works!

Walking – A Basic Form of Exercise To Reduce Blood Pressure

It is very effective as you will agree when you consider it`s practical application in a normal daily routine.

Maybe your close friends might be delighted to try out a new and fresh exercise activity that you can all do together. It is safer too in this day and age where walking in parks and lanes alone can be a foreboding practice.

If you are unable to walk or are finding it difficult, then Electro-stimulation could be the answer to your problem. You will find some information of the subject here.

Walking as an Exercise Really Helps

Steve, a neighbor and friend of mine has been walking for years to  successfully managed his blood pressure. Watch the video below of an interview with him at his home.

If you start out with a healthy diet that`s right for you to help lower your high blood pressure and exercise that`s enjoyable and easy to keep up with you will soon see results that will motivate you further to make the changes to your lifestyle permanent.

Be sure to monitor your high blood pressure and exercise on a regular basis starting out with an easy pace and short distance. Some folks have found a pedometer of help. Whether you want to use one or not is totally up to you, but they sometimes record other body movements as steps, so they are not completely accurate. Still knowing roughly how many strides you take each walking venture will help you note the increase in stamina and fitness.

Nordic walking was first introduced by skiers who needed to practice their skiing strides during the summer on dry ground. It was not long in becoming popular and in Finland in 1997 it became known as pole walking as poles were used to reduce joint injury. Because the upper body is used extensively along with the lower, Nordic walking or Ski walking burns almost double the amount of calories than ordinary walking but the exertion feels the same.

It is known that people who take control of their high blood pressure and exercise on a regular basis have their medication reduced, as in the case of Garry Long. Some no longer need any medication.Gary Long

Of course Garry had more health problems than just high blood pressure, and using Nordic walking as an aerobic exercise was not his specialty, but he did do a lot of walking right across America to be precise and his doctor being excited about his progress had Garry`s medication reduced.

Don`t fancy Nordic walking ? Then take up common ground and hit the road using the classic step like Garry! Well uhmmm maybe crossing America is not what you had in mind but you can still cover much ground going around the block a few times a day, or walking to the park during your lunch hour.

Normal walking as an aerobic exercise to lower high blood pressure, and exercise techniques to give maximum effect, will still bring lasting benefits.

Be conscious of how you walk. Your muscles are accustomed to this kind of exercise so you have a head start and will not have to worry about causing any injury or stress to your body if you start by walking short distances at a reasonable pace.

Take your dog along if you have one, they just love to be fit and they make good walking companions, ready to walk as long as you want.

Dogs are not only good companions but are known to have therapeutic effects on their owners. Stroking them and taking them out for walks calms the nerves and eases stress and anxiety, helping to lower the heart rate and blood pressure.

The aerobic effect of a brisk walk causes you to take in more oxygen that is needed to burn the calories. This causes the blood vessels and capillaries to open wider and work more efficiently. You may or may not actually feel the blood surging through little blood vessels in your thighs or ankles when you are relaxing, but as you monitor your high blood pressure and exercise on a regular basis it will soon show up on the chart, if you keep one, that you are starting to benefit from the lifestyle change.

To gauge your pace, you should be able to hold a conversation without loosing your breath.

It is important to keep relaxed and have a positive attitude to what you are doing and why. Keep your tummy muscles slightly tense to support the back and maintain good body posture.

Keep the shoulders back, working the arms while you walk, as this motion helps burn the calories, helps keep your pace and heart in rhythm, and lowers stress levels helping you to have a sense of wellness.

So go ahead and talk with your doctor and let him know that you are not going to become a couch potato but instead your going to take control of your high blood pressure and exercise by walking right into a new way of life.

Just talking about it makes me want to get out there. The sun is shining and here I am, sitting in front of my computer. But as the saying goes “No work! No play!”