
The benefits of high blood pressure homeopathic treatment are numerous. Treatment options for high blood pressure are one of the best to engage in to drop your blood pressure, reduce your waistline, and make you feel good. suggests, get your bike back out of the shed where it had been gathering dust for quite some time. If going to the gym or having a walk is a boring thing to do, we suggest you try out playing free online casino slots while working out or listening to music and some of your favorite audiobooks. It did need a bit of TLC, but soon it was up and running. It should have seen the light of day sooner, because this sedentary occupation of sitting at my computer day in and day out, building this website, was beginning to tell on me. Overweight is one of the main causes of high blood pressure, and it looked like I was approaching the borderline, so I needed to take immediate action and “get on my bike.”

Cycling – An Effective Exercise?

How effective is biking it in comparison to other exercises in helping …

Why is potassium-rich food help in bringing down blood pressure? The body needs this vital mineral in balance with other nutrients to regulate your blood pressure. Sometimes our diet is lacking in it, but usually, this occurs if our diet consists of too much fast food, or we are already taking potassium wasting diuretics which flush out the potassium as the name suggests.

Because our bodies don’t store potassium, we need to make sure the food we eat is potassium-rich food to give an immediate and plentiful supply of it.

So what have I added to my potassium food list?

  • Squash
  • Coriander
  • Red Cabbage
  • White Cabbage
  • Turmeric

41. Squash – 100 gm = 280 mg of potassium

I was flabbergasted at the number of different kinds of squash. Take a deep breath!!!!!! You have Australian blue, amber cup, autumn cup, acorn, baby boo, banana, butternut, buttercup, calabaza, calabash, kabocha, carnival, chayote, cucumber, Cucuzza…gasp! Gasp! Gulp!…

Eight balls, gold nugget, green-striped cushaw, hubbard, luffa gourde, lumina, Summer, sweet dumpling, sunburst, spaghetti, turban, orangetti, pumpkin, Cinderella, sweet potato, cheese, Uchiki Kuri, winter, yellow zucchini, zucchini.


Squash is not only a potassium-rich …

by Jeff
(Akron, OH, USA)

I considered this again in my life. When I was in my 20’s, I maintained a diet full of fruits and veggies, coupled with daily exercise, I was healthy.
Now, nearing 50, and having recently been diagnosed with HBP, and told to go on a diuretic. Never again. My blood pressure came down some, but there are other underlying factors. I quit the meds and took my life in my own hands. My bp is very high. I always believed that this is the way to go, not pills, which mask the problems and create new ones so you can get more pills. Other than vitamins, I hate pills.
I’m currently struggling, but have noticed a difference when adding to my water intake and juicing. Not enough yet as I have yet to rule out the 2 bad, abscessed teeth. One tooth has been addressed, finishing root canal tomorrow, the other tooth, jammed into my sinus’, it’s coming out the next day. With the help of antibiotics, increased water intake and juicing, not to mention monitoring my diet a little closer, and exercise, I’m …

Do you suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure? About 75% of people with diabetes have type 2 and go on to develop high blood pressure, but are often left in the dark about what is actually happening inside their bodies. There are many treatment options for high blood pressure you can try out.

As I have often repeated through the pages of this website, doctors are under pressure today. With more patients on their lists and less time for each one, it`s obvious why they don`t offer any explanations.

So the responsibility lies with us to educate ourselves. But what a difference it makes when we do. Understanding how our bodies work can open our eyes to where the real, underlying problem lies, impress on our minds the seriousness of our condition, the importance of making changes, and empowering us to make them.

A group of metabolic processes malfunction during the development of type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure will begin to surface as a direct, and indirect result of them.

This malfunction of particular metabolic processes is sometimes called Metabolic Syndrome X? What is Metabolic Syndrome

How to lower high blood pressure? That question in itself can make one anxious. But there is a way that is naturally and has quick results!

If you are confused as to what to do or use, and how to do or use it, then your not alone.

Do I receive questions and statements such as – “Could you please suggest a brand of supplement and a specific choice within that brand?

I go for organic, even if it costs a bit more, but there are so many promising so much, I don’t know where to begin.”

Looking for la herb to lower my blood pressure.” Linda – United States

“My blood pressure is 170 to 80, my age is 52, I live in Germany, I`m on treatment, but it won’t go down.” Emma – United States

“How can I control HBP? What foods do I eat? What juice do I drink? So please give me an idea without drugs, that can control HBP” Cynthia – Germany

“I am a diabetic, and I have high blood pressure. Which multivitamins are right for me?” Shah – India

“I have very …

Can taking a daily clove of garlic lower blood pressure? Here are some facts on how it works.

The alliin compound becomes allincin (one of about a 100 sulphur compounds). The chemicals contained in garlic are stable as long as the cloves in the bulb aren’t damaged, but when we take our daily clove of garlic or two and crush, bruise or chop them, an enzyme called alliinase reacts with another compound called alliin, instantly producing the sulfur compound allicin which is the cause of the herbs` smell, taste and therapeutic properties.

There are protective health benefits from taking a daily clove of garlic. You can combat the onset of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases with the powerful compound allicin in garlic. Hypertension is known to be lowered by several actions of this compound. As an antioxidant, it has the ability to fight free radical damage, caused by high blood pressure and other problems such as acidosis, (a result of the pH balance in the blood and other organs being too acidic).

t also has blood thinning properties, helping to keep the blood platelets from being too sticky, …

Antioxidants –What are they?

Despite the fact that they were discovered in 1948, the general public still don’t understand what they are, that our bodies manufacture them, and the important role they play in protecting us from literally rusting away.

As the name suggests antioxidants combat oxidization of cells in the body which are said to cause a barrage of diseases including high blood pressure.

Try an experiment.

Take the juice of a lemon which contains vitamin C and coat one half of a freshly cut apple with it but not the other half. You will notice the uncoated half will start to turn brown very quickly. This reaction is called oxidization.

The other half coated with lemon juice, however, takes much longer to turn brown because the vitamin C, an excellent antioxidant, slows this erosive process right down.

The same erosive process is going on within the cells of our bodies continuously, and although it is an essential process, our bodies try to keep it in check by its own manufactured “endogenous” antioxidants, otherwise we would get very sick or just “rust” away.

Nutritionists and health practitioners recognise …

What is the ideal body Ph balance?

Why do I need to know about it anyway? Is it that important?

Will it help lower my blood pressure?

These are just some of the questions you may have had in mind that`s brought you to this site.

The ideal pH balance is 6.75 – 7.5

Most of us never give it a second thought, or are even aware that our amazing bodies can only function properly if it stays within this pH level, and we supply the right organic tools. But many of us use and abuse it, starve or stuff it, feed it the bad foods and deny it the good. Well I`ve got news for you, this has got to have it`s toll somewhere along the line.

A constant acid environment in our body will start to have an impact on our health and so will an over alkaline one. It is vital to health to maintain the correct body pH balance.Did you know 70% of our planet is water and 70% of our body is water too, and like our planet we need that water for life to …

Have you ever had a colon flush? There are several benefits of a colon cleanse if you have high blood pressure and want to treat it by natural methods.

Presuming that you would also want to clean the colon naturally too, I will discuss briefly the benefits of a colon cleanse and what herbs you can use in combination to do that.

To begin with, our intestines which include the colon is where we absorb the minerals and other nutrients from our food. As food passes through and is processed, some of it may get trapped in pockets of the colon. At this stage the moisture has been removed turning it into a sticky mucous.

Waist processing, transfer of nutrients, metabolic functions, etc, all can be enhanced when the colon is cleansed.

One of the most important benefits of a colon cleanse is that it prepares the body for other organ cleanses such as a liver detox. If you perform this detox before a colon cleanse, you risk major toxins entering right back into the bloodstream because of colon blockages.

Regaining a correct body pH is important to cleansing major …

Why is passion flower tea one of the most respected herbal remedies for high blood pressure? Well consider some of the ailments the passion flower herb is used for.

  1. Hypertension and Heart Disease
  2. Stress and Anxiety
  3. Nicotine and Alcohol Withdrawal
  4. Insomnia

Now some of these illnesses are typical causes of secondary hypertension. If any are directly or indirectly linked to your elevated blood pressure, addressing those illnesses too should be of prime interest to you.

But can passion flower tea really have any impact on these ailments? Yes it can! I will discuss them in brief and then show you how you can make an infusion.

Hypertension and Heart Disease

Scientists have found that the harmane alkaloids found in passion flower can help lower blood pressure by relaxing smooth muscle and expanding coronary arteries.

But extensive investigations on this herb were being carried out in the 1980`s and the leaves were clinically validated as being hypotensive, among other benefits such as possessing anti-spasmodic properties, and relieving anxiety.

It is also known that here in Europe extracts from the flower are used in several pharmaceuticals for the treatment of heart palpitations …